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5 posts tagged with "opensuse"

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Searching openSUSE's Mailing List

· One min read

While openSUSE is a great Linux distribution, I can't say the same for the mailing list's search function. For many weeks now, the only result that came back from the search is:

Sorry, the search is disabled! Come back later

Someone in the mailing list suggested that a workaround is to use Google's site specific search function. In the search box, prefix the search terms with the term:

For example, if I want to search for "usb boot support", I will type the following in the search box. usb boot support

Granted, it's not perfect, but it's a temporary workaround. shrug

Setting Up a 2-node Fail-over Cluster with OES 1

· 16 min read

Preamble: This is a post on documenting the steps that I took to deploy a 2-node fail-over cluster for a client. No identifying information specific to the client is contained in this post. The deployment was done in August 2007 and I'm only posting it in December, nearly four months since the date I said I would put it online. Well, now that Open Enterprise Server (OES) 2 is already available, this post might not be that useful to others. Nevertheless, perhaps this will help someone somewhere out there ;-)