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25 posts tagged with "personal"

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Leaving My Company

· 9 min read
photo of a balloon in Orchard Road, Singapore
Photo credit: Chua Chee How

Two months ago I left the company which I co-founded 13 years back. Here are some of my takeaways after 13 years as its CTO.

Hiring Tips

· 2 min read

An article I recently read talks about how to hire the right people. The TL;DR of it is a list of 7 C's (we all love lists right?):

I Love Programming

· 3 min read

I love programming. I really do. To me, writing a program is an act of creation akin to giving new life. In the right hands, lines and lines of code come together like magic that gives purpose to their existence. Part of the journey of writing programs involves learning new technologies (languages, frameworks, techniques, etc.). This usually involves a lot of reading Web articles, blogs, newsletter subscriptions, and tech magazines.

But as I step into another phase of life (goodbye bachelorhood (;_;) I find that I can spare less and less time doing all of these.


Serendipidity or Law of Attraction?

· 3 min read

Sometimes, things just happen. Just at the end of the work day, my colleagues were talking about this thing they called “Law of Attraction”. Not sure where they got it from. What they were referring to is that when one thing of a nature happens, it seems usual, even natural, to have another event of a similar nature occur as well.

Take for example, when we were taking the lift as we knock off work, we were teasing one guy among us about him leaving his motorbike keys in the office as he dug around his bag trying to look for it. It then happens that another lady (a stranger) who was also in the lift with us turned back after exiting the lift shortly, seemingly to return to her office to get something she had left behind. (One person searching for his keys lead to another person remembering something she left behind.)

LinkedIn Password Leak

· 2 min read

You may or may not have heard. 6.5 million passwords were leaked from LinkedIn. Allegedly at least. It’s possible then that yours is one of them.

If you are using LinkedIn and you are concerned, as well you should be, you can find out if your password is compromised from this (appropriately named) website

Why I don’t join Facebook

· One min read

Reading this post confirms my decision not to join Facebook a correct one. Hell, if some corporate entity knows about your daughter-in-law, you should be scared!